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Fake it Till You Make It Makeup-英文字幕稿-世界快播

来源: 哔哩哔哩 时间: 2023-02-10 20:33:11

hi everyone today i thought i'd do a fake it till

you make it makeup look and the reason i wanted to


do this is because i was asked to do an event

recently and i haven't done anything like that

for ages i used to do that sort of thing all the time and it was to go and do a

sort of interview and then um to meet people i've never

met before and to have some photographs taken and

again this is something that i probably would have

well did do a lot of before the pandemic and i found myself backing away from it

you know saying um can't they do it via zoom

and i was quite surprised at my reaction my initial reaction

and afterwards i was trying to think was it because i was being lazy

is it because i don't want to unlike i guess going to

like a shoot or my normal work which is a bit more of a

comfort zone thing where i can go and people are looking at my

work as in my makeup work it's not about me necessarily

whereas something like that i guess it's more like a new job or

a situation where you're going into a meeting with with with strangers and you

have to bring very much your best self and i just

concluded that i'm i'm out of practice with it i it may be

a bit of laziness for sure um have got a bit lazy you know

doing the zooms and you know that you can get away with maybe not bringing

your big best self because you can say well

i'm at home so i'm just in tracksuit bottoms i haven't got much makeup on

and it was a little bit of anxiety about going out into the world again and

presenting myself and having to kind of bring it

so i was thinking about that and i have now accepted it and said i'd do it

so i was thinking i'll do a makeup look like a practice run almost for that

today and just talk a little bit about this idea about

makeup and confidence and this situation we find ourselves in really coming out

of the pandemic on one hand quite euphoric

that something like that is even going to

take place but on the other hand feeling very resistant to it um almost

like trying to just peek out from inside my little rabbit

hole and wanting to bury myself again so i've just done my

moisturizer i'm using this moisturizing gel which i've used before

which is nice and light for the summer for my particular skin

type and then for me for confidence i

definitely need a bit of foundation because i want to feel like i don't look

greasy and that my skin has an even skin tone so i'm going to try

something i haven't used before but it has got lots of good reviews and this is

the shiseido synchro which is self-refreshing

foundation and this is the shade bamboo which i'd

say i have almost got a bit of a tan at the

moment i think it's just from walking around

haven't been anywhere but just from being around

london so i'm going to put a light layer of this

all over and this idea i think of confidence boosting makeup

is it's the sort of thing that a journalist would ask me like what's your

quote on confidence boosting makeup you know that you can

tell everyone and i think i would probably say

it's going to be so different for everyone because we all have

our own unique set of hang ups or or worries

or we know what makes us feel good so i think for me it would definitely be

having my skin look natural but having it look

um just even and and perfected to a certain degree

particularly around the center of my face which is where i tend to get a

little bit red but it would also be being not too um

shiny for me but that's a hangover from my

extremely oily days i think for most of my

life having oily skin although it's now of course not as

oily but it still has the ability to look a little greasy

so i am going to start with that so that's just a thin layer all over

i'll have to do a touch on my neck because

i went for something a little bit warmer which i feel is my

summer color but of course my neck there is quite


this feels really nice it definitely has a good

coverage but without looking like it's definitely evened out my skin tone

just gonna have a close-up look of this yeah that's really

quite perfected my skin it's really evened everything out

probably still a touch shiny on my center of my face but i will give it a

little powder later on so i think for me now it's just i'm

going to do a little bit more skin stuff and then

move on to the eyes i'm just gonna do a tiny bit of

highlighter just while that's almost still i'm still working on my

skin side of things

i think for me if the skin looks good and my eyes look

big and awake um then that's gonna really help me to feel like i'm

faking this confident look

next my under eyes i'm going to use this bare minerals and this is the stick

foundation in medium warm 7.

this is quite yellowy but i'm just going to put a tiny bit under my

eyes and just pat that in

so as i was saying when i get asked for this like what

is this ultimate confidence boosting makeup

the reason it's different for every single person

and you cannot make one statement for everyone

is that everyone has got their own bug bears so for me i guess

under my eyes wouldn't be a bug big bug bear because

you know i'm quite fortunate i'm not too dark under there with other people it is

their thing so you need to really spend time on the

thing that is bothering you or the thing that

is the something that holds your confidence

back like if i'm gonna fake it till i make it i

want my skin to look really really good that's my

priority and then i want my eyes to look big and

open and i want my lower lip to look bigger

and that's just me okay that's me personally talking

but it is nailing those things that for you are the things that just make

you feel good and it can be anything it can be a touch of mascara

and i feel good and that's fantastic you know it's whatever is your

your thing it's really owning your your key to confidence is a very

personal thing so just to do some pinpoint concealing

this foundation has done a really nice job of

evening out everything apart from just oh that's too dark yikes

just need a bit more coverage there i'd say

center of chin and then just some small things little

marks here and there

just gonna lighten up around my nose which is where i have a few

um capillaries broken capillaries there and just pat that in

and i definitely feel before i do my first um

few going to meet strangers and these kind of

things i think i'll probably spend quite a while on my makeup because

for me it's almost like a cathartic thing to sit down

and just do my face and and spend a bit of time will give me

time to think about things and and get a good

sense of how i'm feeling not that i think you

should spend a lot of time doing your makeup you know to be able to face the

world not at all god you know it just depends how

you're feeling and i just think for me i think for this kind of fake it

to make it type of makeup look it means that if it

goes on quickly and it's easy fine but i'll allow a bit

more time in case i want to tweak things or step back and maybe alter things and

just make sure that i'm really happy with it so i'll

probably allow a little more time to get ready so in the spirit of

using new things i'm going to use this palette by sydney grace and temtalia

and i really wanted to try this because christina from temtalia

i just thought if anyone can make a good palette she can

because she must have reviewed every single eyeshadow palette that's

existed in the last at least 10 years i like

these shades here so i like these kind of

the matte and the sort of shiny minky color

slightly a little bit um duochrome in there

so i'm going to try something around around these sorts of shades

so i'm going to start with

this shade oh yeah very good payoff right that's shiny than i thought it was

going to be but nice nonetheless so i'm just going

to do eyelids with that that's definitely more about a pop

and then i'm going to use the matte shade so this is a matte


i'm just going to do this really softly bit by bit

just resting my eyebrow so i can see that i can actually see the


and just tapping that on

because i'm not using i'm probably only gonna use two shades to keep it quite

simple so because i'm not using any kind of a

transition shade it means that i have to go slowly slowly

with this one

and really blend

use the same shade a little bit underneath as well

i always like to have just a wash of color

me personally underneath my eyes because if i do mascara my eye

lower lashes are quite fine so when i do mascara on them

they're very separated because they are quite

sparse and thin um and they can look a little bit

too much almost too um almost too defined

whereas if i have a little wash underneath

it just gives a bigger eye illusion of a bigger eye but also it kind of frames

the lashes and gives them a little bit more bulk so

now that i've sort of finished the basic shape i'm just checking looking

straight ahead in the mirror that i'm liking the shape that i'm

getting from the or eye socket sort of definition

and just going back in if i need to because if i do when my eyes are up and

obviously i can't walk around like that the whole time so

put more of a natural face on and i can see where the where the

shading is so that's good for now i'm just going to

quickly curl my eyelashes and do my mascara and put a couple of

lashes on which will cheer me up no end make me

feel like i'm raring to go

i'm going to use underneath a base of this is one of those white bases

just to give myself a little more lash and very lazy on the lash serum after

being brilliant during the lockdown then i got

out of the habit when things got busy again

um and now i'm kicking myself of course

i'm gonna put a light layer of this on and just

let that dry for a couple of moments

obviously i have tried out quite a lot of brand new products today which i

definitely wouldn't recommend if you're having to bring your a

and you are wanting to have a confidence boost because there's nothing worse

than trying a new mascara or trying a new foundation for example and finding

out during the day that it hasn't quite

worked for you so i think definitely only ever use your most

tried and trusted products or if you want to use something new

definitely give it a little trial run the day before like i'm doing now

because i don't really have to go anywhere today so

i'm able to see how all my products perform

so next for lashes i'm going to do some little bundles of individuals which

i've just dropped out the box sorry hold on a minute

oh i'll tell you what they look like this

these are called lash star not used them before

and they look perfect they're just gonna fill in any gaps

and give me a nice lashy look these are a bit longer actually than i would

normally wear but i think a few of these they're

nice and lightweight a few just at the outer edge

probably only do three or four but we'll have a look

okay i just have to stop for a second because these are

phenomenal i think these are the nicest eyelashes

i have tried in a long time i'll need to further investigate

i almost wish i hadn't put as much mascara on now i kind of overkilled on

the mascara thinking i was just going to fill in a

couple of gaps but i think knowing how beautiful these are

um where's the box here we go so they're lash star and

they're called visionary flare lashes sculpt your perfect lash

look i am here for this okay i'm just gonna finish my

second eye i have got a video on how to apply

individual lashes which i'll link to below because otherwise it takes

probably 15 minutes to make the tutorial quite long

to show everything it takes me a while anyway i'm going to use

this is a black liquid liner i'm not going to just

go kind of lining my eyes but from underneath

just filling out the gaps really in between

sort of the lash line and my underneath in a water line

i'm not really going along my inner waterline it's on the edge of that

it's almost like the corner between my inner waterline

and where the actual lash line starts

again this will just give a thicker lash look

especially if i'm having my picture taken or anything like that

i just love having a nice kind of not not a really thick eyeliner or

anything like that but i definitely like to have that definition

this is a really good tip if you're getting married as well just having that

depth at that at the lash roots it's

great for pictures so this is kind of like

fake eyeliner doing this it's almost like

no eyeliner eyeliner that makes sense what's good about it is that if you're

not good at doing those perfect lines the trick with this is to be almost as

messy as possible because you're stabbing it like the more you stab

underneath with that pen which is actually this is a really good one the

grandiose because it's so fine the more you kind of get in between

those lashes and on the edge of the waterline

you could use a pencil for sure as well anything whatever you feel comfortable

with it's like the more you kind of do it

the more you kind of stab around the better it gets

and then when you get to that inner corner

just to kind of almost go underneath there

into that inner corner on the inside though

i mean this just works so well when you're wearing these kind of individual

lashes because you have that lovely lashy look

and all of the power of an eyeliner but

without having a sort of major eyeliner and it's also such a good

tip for photography if you want to look like you haven't got

a big strong eyeliner on you're just wearing sort of

mascara mascara if only um but you have got that impact on your

eyes so i do use this a lot for red carpet and things like that or

weddings in fact if you don't want to have a really big

thick eyeliner it's a really nice way of doing that too

so go back in with the deep purple shade we're almost going to do the same thing

but this is with just with the powder i've almost just massaging

a little bit of the purple into the roots of the lashes

again it shouldn't look like a a liner it's more of a defining thing

and then the outer edge there i'm going to just bring up go into the

corner and then just slightly

swoop up there

just finishes off the shape so for my brows now i'm using the

feather pen i love this i love the color of this and

i also like how how much payoff you get with this

the ink it's not too much but it's noticeable

do such a nice fine brow with it so i'm just trying to i wouldn't say

match my eyebrows up because i know they say eyebrows are sisters but

mine are distant cousins they are so different

this one is quite arched this one is flat um

so i can only do my i don't want to change them completely

and i think it's part of the character of my face so

i'm just doing some perfecting rather than

some tweaking rather than trying to get them

rigidly the same this one's also got a lot more hairs at the outer edge

i love this as well because it also has the um

gel on the inside

so you can

it's a great gel as well it really sets them

sets them quite hard but it doesn't leave that white residue

so yeah so that's my eyes on and i feel totally different i feel like if i was

having to now walk out in front of people i didn't know i would

come across very confident i know it's like silly to

think that i would need makeup and why would anyone

need makeup for that and i do think you do need makeup for that by the way

but i quite like to feel like my eyes my eyes just feel so good

and i do enjoy using makeup and applying makeup so

for me i feel like i look totally different and probably you're thinking

well it just looks like you've got some false eyelashes on or some mascara

but if you look at the before look at me before and um i don't know

maybe you can tell my mood has changed and my

my confidence levels are definitely going up so that

that's it for me really i think just a simple eye makeup

but something that gives me the lash and the socket line

and that just emphasizes my eyebrows probably are the main things for me so

onto the rest of the face the next thing i want of course is lips

and i do want to give myself a slightly more

pouty lower lip so i'm just gonna get a lip

liner okay onto lips i'm just gonna apply

velvet muse just in a sort of slap dash way

before i do a little sculpt

i'm using um this is a victoria beckham lip liner

i'm just really wanting to cheat

just on my lower lip

okay that's faked it i'll put a touch on the top i'm not really going to change

the shape here though

i'm going to go back in and fill in

and using the same shade on my cheeks

there we go it's a lovely brush actually for doing cream blush i'm going to go

back in with my clinique airbrush concealer that you anyone who's

watched my videos for years know that i used to be

crazy about and use for everything and i still use it quite a lot on myself

i feel like i just need a touch more under there like it's almost sunk in

so i just want to um refresh i do that a lot with clients as well sometimes i'll

put do all the under eye and then by the

time it's lived in it's sort of settled in

by the time i get to the end of the makeup i'll do a touch more

sometimes i'll use a different product because by then

you can kind of see how the products reacted and whether

there needs to be a bit more of a lift i don't know you might need to go a bit

peachier or a little bit lighter or even sometimes a little bit darker um

but sometimes you just get that you can only really tell

after a while what's what's needed

and then i'm just going to pat that in

almost i don't really need to set that again because i've put

so little on just to lift

and then i'm going to do a tiny bit more highlighter

so a little tiny bit i'm going to use that

in the corner of my eyes and what's left over i'll just refresh

on my cheeks

and i'm probably going to need a final touch of powder as well

blend that in with the blush

um she's ready for business this one she is ready

where is the powder let me i'm gonna take this

with me i'm imagining now that i am going to an event like this is it

this is not just my trial run i'm going to take this um by terry

touch-up powder it's going to go around where i am starting to get a little bit

shiny already

okay and that i think do you know what i might go over

with one clean brush so just at the end of the eye shadow and

just blend everything again it's like a security blend

so that's it that is my

fake italy make it make up um as i say this is for me personally

i this is a look that i would do if i was having to go which i am in

probably a week or so to an event when i haven't been to one for so long

and having to sort of meet people and i would feel really good like this because

i feel like my skin looks good it doesn't look too heavy

and i feel like i've got my eyes feel really good they feel like

i'm engaging well with people because they look quite defined

and because there is particularly for this thing i'm going to a photography

element so i feel like my eyes are going to

photograph really well as well and that is the genius of makeup it

just is such a confidence boost and i think

that there is a real magic to it it's something which is on such a

subconscious level like i can't even describe

how different i feel from when i started doing this makeup when i was thinking

you know my reaction to having to go somewhere

was a little bit strange and i think it's just the pandemic

it's just the result of being at home for such a long time

or has almost made me terrified but um anyway this is my crutch my makeup and

um as i say it can be adapted to whatever

you know particular look that you love doing

and i think just go with your heart you know just go with what

you really like to wear spend your time getting it right

and um you almost know when you've nailed it don't you you really do

so best of luck everyone do let me know if you're having the same

almost i won't say fear what's the word it's not even anxiety it's something in

between of um doing real life things again um and also

the excitement of it too and take care everyone i'll see you soon


标签: everyone today thought fake