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来源: 哔哩哔哩 时间: 2023-02-06 09:54:41

I’m Cate Blanchett and I believe in “change destiny” .



What do you believe about Destiny?


I don't really subscribe to the idea that there's a predetermined destiny. The deeper that I've embraced change, the richer my life has become.


It's too late to pursue my dream.


I don't think about time that way. I think life is is uh more exciting and  full of incredible positive experiences and if you embrace change and go deeper into it then there's many, many dreams to be headed at many, many different ages and stages in your life.


Society limits what I will become.


Depending on where a woman is born. I definitely think there are road blocks, you know those who seek to impede upon and shape and impose what a woman can become.


I cannot escape what I was born with.


The moments in life where I’ve disrupted my sense of myself by challenging other people's expectations or the expectations and limitations I’ve placed on myself have always resulted in the most fulfilling experiences.


What holds us back from changing our Destiny?


Eight years ago my husband and I were offered the opportunity to run the Sydney Theatre Company which is the largest theatre company in Australia and I was incredibly excited but enormously fearful and a lot of people around me at that point in my life I was at a high point in my film career and they said “what are you doing, going back to Australia to run a theater company?”


And I thought the only thing that will stop me doing it is fear, fear of the impact it's going to have on my career, fear of what other people think, fear of I’m going to fail at it. And so, that galvanized me actually. And as a result, the last eight years have brought the most profound change on not only on my career as an actor I think I’ve become a better actor. I’ve become matured I hope, but on my life because simultaneously we ignited a sense of community back here.



We were back with our family I have do think back on that time.I think that often the only thing that stops us from embracing change is fear. 


标签: 凯特布兰切特 踌躇不前 人生的意义 改变命运 自我认知